Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The World Needs YOU - World's Biggest Problems

1.      One of the World’s biggest problem that I believe nowadays is a concern of almost every one across the globe is the individual-financial security. We have to understand that nowadays there is people who are experts on computers and computer networks, but who are also experts on exploiting weaknesses among any people around the world. In other words, these people are able to gain access to your online bank account (and other personal information too) and they are able to do transactions using your personal information. This type of “new criminal era” is a threat to consider for the entire world.
This is happening because there is a lack of control in terms of computer network and basically everyone is vulnerable to be a victim of a hacker attack. I believe this a great opportunity for an entrepreneur to use the knowledge of computer networks to protect and guarantee security to every individual, for example provide a software focused on providing a complete range of security to every individual.

2.       Another main issue for the global concern are the different climate events that are changing our day to day living in a certain way. Within the climate change, the seasons change too and we have to be aware of that.
There are different theories about the reason why climate change is happening nowadays. Some people think it’s a natural process that occurs on the earth naturally and we are not participate of this phenomenon. Other people believe that the past century, since the industrial revolution up-to-date, the different activities that contributed to pollution are the key factor of the climate change. However, I believe that this is a good opportunity for entrepreneurs to find ways or new product that would protect the world from contributing to the climate change. For example, develop engines that don’t pollute the air while they are running.

The World Needs Water
3.       I believe that an important issue that has to be resolved in many countries around the world are the drought events that are threatening the water resource for millions of people.
The reason why this is happening is due exclusively to the climate change effects on the earth. Entrepreneurs should focus on innovation that can protect water from the effects of climate change.

For example, entrepreneurs can create artificial lakes or water sources beneath the earth that are protected from any climate event that may reduce the water amount, such as the drought.
4.       One concern that I believe is intimidating the wellbeing of many people around the world is the yearly events and attacks originated by terrorism, where the only truly damaged people are the families that lose their loved ones only because an ideological difference.
I believe that these problems have the base on ideological difference which leads to hate and anger, which finally arrives to horrific events. I believe that terrorism is one of the most outstanding defects that humanity has and I believe that entrepreneurs should use their knowledge and resources to try to stop this events. For example, entrepreneurs can develop new forms of security and/or use the knowledge of computer networks to fight against terrorism.

5.       Another global concern that I believe everyone should be aware of is the situation of Africa. Even though there has been a clear development on specific countries in this continent, there is a clear poverty situation among the majority of African people, where some of the most harmful diseases originate.
I believe that the world as a whole has never contributed to Africa, in fact, the world has exploited Africa and its people to the point where it is now the poorest continent that exists on earth. I believe that Africa and all the countries that countries that compose it seek for the help of entrepreneurs and I think it is a great opportunity for us to finally contribute such a harmed society. For example, entrepreneurs can attract investors to invest on the country which at the end improves the economy of the region.

6.       Given the globalized world in which we live nowadays and in comparison to previous decade, there has been a decrease on racism among the individuals of the world. However, it is one of the main reasons that originate violence among many societies around the world, and it is without any doubt one of the major concerns that should bring the attention of the world’s society.
I believe that the issue of racism has been within the human beings since the first days of our history. However, I believe that it is time for us to realize that we are all the same no matter the color of our skin or our language. Entrepreneurs can use their tools to help people that suffer from racism by helping them to fit within a different society and/or country. For example, create an organization based on global society who collaborate people that are going through discrimination based on racism.

7.       One major concern that I believe is affecting millions of people and will continue to affect them is the global financial crisis, which since the middle of 2007 and 2008 has affected not only specific group of people, but it has also damaged entire countries and communities financially.
The World Needs to recover from the Financial Crisis
The financial crisis of 2008 and the depression of 1929 are economic crisis that originate after a series of events that impact the world’s society negatively. I believe that economic crisis are key opportunities for entrepreneurs to try to develop new aids or solutions for the people that suffer from the crisis. For example, entrepreneurs can create new job opportunities or financial assistance to help people manage their resources in the best way possible.

8.       Another global concern is contamination. As the global population rises every year, the accumulation of waste and trash is increasing drastically. I believe that this issue is a clear opportunity for entrepreneurs to look at and develop possible solutions.
Contamination happens because the number of people living on earth is increasing, which finally generates more waste. Contamination is without any doubt one of the major opportunities for entrepreneurs to develop a new business plan or strategy that could help either stop or reduce contamination. Build more and new recycling machines and build alternative instrument that replace the ones that are contaminating the environment.

9.       I believe that a not so influential concern in the present, but a major concern for the future is the development of nuclear science and its relationship with technology, which at the end can result on the creation of new type of weapon that is and will be a significant threat among the global citizens now and in the future.
Since the creation of the nuclear bomb in the mid 1900’s, the nuclear science along with technology have worked together to create more damaging weapons that are a significant threat for the world’s society. I believe that entrepreneurs should focus not on contributing to the creation of these weapons, but they should invest their knowledge on working with technology and nuclear science for other purposes which are focused on bringing innovation and that can also help the humanity in a certain way.

1     One of the most significant global concern that originated years ago and that is still affecting people of Africa is the food and agriculture crisis. This issue has even worsen the drastic conditions in which the majority of Africa’s society lives and I believe is a great opportunity for the entrepreneurs of the world to look for possible solutions.
The agriculture and food crisis in Africa is a clear example of how drastic the situation in Africa is. The food crisis in Africa is a clear example of a great opportunity for entrepreneurs to develop new solutions for a continent in danger. Entrepreneurs can develop new and better ways to generate the required food supply for the population in Africa. This may include new way to grow corps, etc.


  1. Hi Alejandro,

    Your post on the world's biggest problems is fantastic. I love the way you incorporated more than one photo and inserted them within the text pertaining to the problem you are highlighting. We have a few common issues with the world we live in such as climate change, the need for water, and the desperate conditions of Africa. I really hope our generation can have a positive impact on a few of the challenges we face as a society. I hope you take a minute to check out my blog on this topic. Maybe I will have included a few issues that are different from your list.

  2. Hi Alejandro,
    I think you did a really good job coming up with 10 of the world’s biggest problems and describing them. I also liked how you included entrepreneurship in the solutions to the problems. We had a few of the same issues on our lists such as climate change, water issues, and terrorism. I had a hard time coming up with a solution for terrorism so I was interested in reading yours. I also liked the pictures you included in your post. If you would like to check out my top ten world’s biggest problems list you can read it here:

    Thanks for sharing!
