Wednesday, March 9, 2016

My Business Plan - Idea Napkin #2

You. Who you are. What your talents are. What your skills and experiences are.
As some of you may already know, my name is Alejandro Arteaga and I was born and raised in La Paz, Bolivia. Ever since I was a kid I was surrounded by two complete opposite realities that crafted and developed the way I see the world. By one side, I was part of a private school where I met all of my best friends and where I had the opportunity of learning at a high level of education. But in our surroundings it was easy to see and perceive something completely opposite, where there is struggle and poverty and where really young kids have to start working to provide their families with some additional resources. As I continued to grow up, I became aware that there is something I could do to help the people that need our help. All in all, I developed entrepreneurial skills since high school, an know I can say that I consider myself a really organized person who is not only focused on achieving deadlines, but I also believe that it is really important to develop communication skills in order to be successful. I love soccer and my aspirations are based on contributing to the development of soccer not only as a sport, but also as an opportunity for my country. Specifically regarding my business plan, I believe that we are in the first stage of the business plan but I like to see this business concept more as a unique experience by the moment. I think that this class and the business concept that I developed would be crucial and would play an essential role in my life for future endeavors.

What are you offering to customers?
I am offering my customers the option to better manage their time. We all got the same time, but the only thing that makes us different is the way we use that time, and I believe that my business plan would help UF students to have a better and more adjustable way of managing their time when thinking about transportation. Students should be focused on developing their knowledge and skills rather than thinking when the bus would come again. But as described in the previous point, I prefer seeing my business concept as an amazing experience from which I will learn how to approach and know the unmet needs that exist all around the world.

Who are you offering it to?
My customers are all students at the University of Florida, who live off campus and who have the struggle of either arriving late to the bus stop, or seeing the bus go away just when they were going to take it. There are approximately 50 thousand students in the University of Florida, and a significant portion of this number live off-campus. But I think that this business plan could be offered especially to the RTS Corporation. I think that this could improve the type of service that they provide and it could also be seen as an example for other cities.

Why do they care? The people who care about my business plan are based on two components:
·         The students care because they want be able to manage their time in better way, and they are volatile to the use of technology and smartphones applications, so they would not find this product to be something hard to manage.
·         The RTS should also see my business plan as an opportunity because they are focused on providing the best service to the people that ride the bus in the city. If implanted in the right way, they could be an example for other cities and they would have a competitive advantage among the other competitors in other cities. 

What are your core competencies?
I believe that what sets my business plan apart from every other bus smartphone application is the fact that it is strictly focused on providing the customers with innovation that was not yet implemented anywhere around the country. The customers would feel that they are exclusive and unique, and I think that Gainesville is a place where innovations occur in a daily basis (a clear example is Gatorade), and it is our job to keep this pace as Gators. I will always strive for customer satisfaction, but I think that another attribute that makes my business plan unique is the fact that it will be based on the opinion and acceptance of students. Even though there are surveys about different events that are happening on campus, there are very few surveys and questionnaires regarding the evaluation of the transportation services in Gainesville, and this is definitely something I would implement on a daily basis for this business plan.

How would I make my customers to keep using my app?
The reason why my customer will keep using my app will be because there is no service similar to the service that I am offering. My business will always strive for innovation and ways to improve the bus transportation in Gainesville, and at the same time it will also be focused on helping students to be able to invest their time on studying and working rather than being stressed thinking about the bus and time it will arrive to the bus stop.

Feedback Memo
From the Idea Napkin #1, I was able to recognize that all of the feedback was positive, which didn’t gave me the possibility of thinking on something to improve for my business plan. There was one comment that encouraged me to think about how I would ensure my customers to come back and keep using my app. That is why I included this on the Idea Napkin #2. The five main points that I take from the feedback I received are the following:

1.       Positive Feedback: The feedback that I received was mostly positive which didn’t gave me the chance of thinking on improvements on my business plan.
2.       People related to me and my background: I was able to perceive that some of the feedback included descriptions of people that grew up in similar conditions as I did, which gives me a sense of relatedness with them, who at the end will be potential customers.
3.       I could see that not everyone takes the bus: The feedback that I received included comments saying that “they never took the bus” or “I will never take the bus again” which is critical to my business because my business plan has a complete relationship with the demand of bus transportation in Gainesville.
4.       How can I make sure that my customers will keep using my app: I included the strategy that could help me solve this issue.
5.       Think about other opportunities using my business plan: I was able to perceive that some of my feedback included suggestions that I should also focus on thinking on more than just an app.

Evaluation of my Napkin Idea

I believe that the elements that compose my business plan fit together accurately. My customers are already targeted to be a specific group of people who I believe need this product. However, I believe that I am missing a key component within the five elements. The aspect that I think I am missing is the fact that I have no knowledge about the process of making and creating a smartphone application. This is the core feature of my business plan and I need to consider for possible solutions to this critical issue. However, as stated on my Idea Napkin, I believe that my business concept would help the students and the residents in Gainesville to better manage one of the scarcest and unrenewable resource that we all have, which is time. 


  1. Alejandro, funny thing I am actually proposing a shuttle/ riding service that would better transport student around gainesville than the buses or an Uber would. As far as your app though it does seem like a good idea, however, how will you create demand for it over google who if you set it up on your phone can also send you notifications when the bus is coming and so forth?

    check out my post at

  2. Alejandro,
    I would first like to compliment your social awareness. Not only is it clear that you have received a quality education, but you are observant and attentive to your environment. In regards to your business, I can definitely envision a market for you but there are a few questions for you to ponder. For starters, how do you plan on selling your idea to RTS, and, (if successful), what is your long-term plan for expansion? Additionally, what barriers can you build to block off entering competitors from copying your product? Other than that, great job on the detail of your business plan and I look forward to seeing you succeed soon.

    I hope my feedback has been helpful. I have attached the link to my blog and would appreciate your input as well.

    Louis DiPaolo Jr

  3. I think this is a great idea! I think you did make a great point about why this is different from other bus apps that dp similar things but I also still think that your biggest issue with it would be that there are also a ton of other apps out there, so yours would really need to be different. I have a similar issue with my pitch too because it is an app also and would have many competitors.
    check it out

  4. Hello Alejandro,
    Our ideas are somewhat in the same field, transportation. I think you have a great thing going! I can tell from your idea that you are very aware of your surroundings which is a great skill for an entrepreneur. You take that awareness and apply it very well. My one questions is how would you make this much different from the google application, although not so well known can do very similar tasks. Aside from that, i greatly appreciate your app and what you are going for. If you'd like to check my idea napkin out you can go here:
